Saturday, December 12, 2009

Full Of It

Kicked awake at 6:30 a.m. by the 23 week old baby inside me, I let the dog out into the frigid backyard and start the coffee. My Chinese horoscope on Facebook has been gentley prodding me all week in this direction with statements like "Now is a good time to move on your creative ideas."

All right, I'm trying to listen. While I savour my one dose of caffeine for the day, I create this blog. First steps. So important and so hard to take, yes? The mind (that rascally rabbit) will freeze you on the spot with teasing, daunting thoughts such as, "Where are we going? And why? State your expected destination. Don't just blindly step forward. WHAT IS THE PLAN?"

Get thee back, concious mind. On gaurd. There is no plan. HA! Take that! Without hope and without despair, I aim to explore whatever I'm full of, be it baby, beans, philisophical musings, shit, love, truth, lust and lies...let it come. I promise to try.

Is this enough for a first post? Don't think about it. Just hit "PUBLISH POST" and keep taking steps, in any direction.

Some good quotes for today:

Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.
~Anais Nin

Analysis destroys wholes. Some things, magic things, are meant to stay whole. If you look at their pieces, they go away.
~Robert James Waller, from Bridges of Madison County
